REALaw Young Researchers’ Forum
Date: 5–6 September 2024 Budapest, Hungary
Venue: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, St Pope John Paul II Hall, 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 28.
Thursday, 5th September 2024.
Automated Decision Making
Annalisa Volpato (Chair)
Océan Bian
Law and rise of AI: the use of AI in public decision making
Marco Fontana
Does the law of automated decision making change the law of public decision making?
Federico Damin
Using public procurement and public-private partnership to shape an automated decision-making environment
Meg Bakiasi
Navigating the proportional path of automated decision making: To what extent does the New Pact on Migration and Asylum comply with the general principle of proportionality in EU administrative law?
Fundamental Rights And E-Government
Balázs Gerencsér (Chair)
Maria Estela Lopes
Participation in the AI era: Navigating citizens’ participation in the deployment of artificial
intelligence in the public sector
Elias Wirth
Fundamental rights limits of mandatory e–government
Kätliin Kelder
Exploring the right to a reasoned and contestable decision in times of increasing administrative algorithmic decision making
Lisette Mustert
Towards a patchwork of data protection and supervision in e-administration
Friday, 6th September 2024.
AI Upheaval in Public Administration
Robert Böttner (chair)
Ege Okakin Erbaş
The notion of public power prerogatives in the age of digitalization: An update on administrative law?
Diego Rodríguez Cembellín
Regulatory sandboxes and their use in AI regulation
Marianna Merler
Public administration and big data predictions: A possible duo?
Luis Fernando Lima de Oliveira
Clear as an algorithm: Legal aspects of transparency in public artificial intelligence systems
Sectoral Insights and Closing
András Koltay (chair)
Alessandra Mattoscio
The digital transition of social services
Michaela Leggio
The role of AI in enforcement and controls in the food sector: Opportunities and challenges
Beatrice Baldini
Smart cities, ‘biased’ decisions, and risks of exclusion: What role for the public entity?
Authors’ papers selected by the Scientific Committee for consideration in the Special Issue on Digitalization of Public Administration in Europe of the Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw) will be due on 15 January 2025 and edited by the Scientific Committee.